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Seeing Off Censor Zheng On His Exile To Min

By Gao Shi
Translated from Chinese by Jeffrey Yang
Don’t resent your exile                       Long ago
I passed thru Min              There are usually few
wild geese in autumn                      but at night
gibbons are common                    The road east
becomes clouds     mountains           Skies south
have mild miasmas                 One will naturally
encounter the benevolonce of Dew-Rain         tho
travel with vigilance             against wind-waves


Don’t resent your exile                       Long ago
I passed thru Min              There are usually few
wild geese in autumn                      but at night
gibbons are common                    The road east
becomes clouds     mountains           Skies south
have mild miasmas                 One will naturally
encounter the benevolonce of Dew-Rain         tho
travel with vigilance             against wind-waves


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