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Between Sky & Earth

By Olivia Elias
Translated from French by Jérémy Victor Robert
Olivia Elias, a French-language poet of the Palestinian diaspora, writes of death, absence, and dispossession of land and culture as she draws a through line from the Palestine of the Ottoman Empire to Palestine under the Israeli occupation.
Image of a coiled brown boa constrictor
Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

Day 97, Time Has Swallowed Time, January 12

time has swallowed time
night has swallowed day

past   future   merged
    in a present of terror

the boa constrictor    encircling our lives
has squeezed    squeezed

building after building
hospital after hospital
bookshop after bookshop
    body after body

methodically & blindly
demolish      kill as widely
    as possible


let the distressed birds fly away
not wanting         to know anything
of this human world

somewhere a little
girl cries       cries

& asks

if we collected all the tears
would it wash away the soot
resurrect the dead

would the birds come back?


Note: Written during the ongoing war Israel launched against Gaza.


no remission

as toys
in the hands
of the Mighty

crushed   mixed
for a long time
in mouths papers
and TV

We   Arabs
citizens of a country
whose land was
swallowed by language

Present absentees
floating with no remission
between sky & earth


Note: The land registry lists the property confiscated from Palestinians (land, houses, businesses, banks, and so forth) at the time of the creation of the State of Israel, distinguishing between two categories: “Absentees,”  orPalestinians expelled or driven to flee by terror during the 1947–1948 war; and “Present Absentees,” Palestinians who remained but were dispossessed following the destruction of their (more than 500) villages and/or confiscations.


Poetic Art of Savagery

Everything is literature Pessoa said while asking
Translations, please

Savagery has imposed itself
the poetic art of Savagery

for how to say
so ugly  so hard
a white-hot wound

if I could find the words   I would say how    among
the upheavals of history  & great disasters
that followed through realizations of random
combinations of virtual & real particles
(for a time they sought a nest in Africa & Latin

this other great disaster arose Supremacism
concealed in a Trojan horse named

Definitions belong to the Definers/not the Defined
Toni Morrison said

prison existence in the eyes of missiles or
the sights of rifles
threatened with jail by edict of mandatory Empire
(on which the sun never sets…)
& dispossession by invocation of
Sultan’s name

If at dawn one morning
they left the village
and walked to reach
a place where
no human
nor crowing cock
ould be heard
then that
would fall into
the hands of the
Sublime Porte


Notes: The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 is still used by the State of Israel to confiscate land lying fallow in response to the countless obstacles encountered by Palestinian farmers in accessing and cultivating it. Very often, this land is then handed over to illegal settlements in order to increase its size.

Sublime Porte: name formerly used in international relations to designate the Ottoman Empire.

© 2024 by Olivia Elias. By arrangement with the author. Translation © Jeremy Victor Robert. All rights reserved.

English French (Original)

Day 97, Time Has Swallowed Time, January 12

time has swallowed time
night has swallowed day

past   future   merged
    in a present of terror

the boa constrictor    encircling our lives
has squeezed    squeezed

building after building
hospital after hospital
bookshop after bookshop
    body after body

methodically & blindly
demolish      kill as widely
    as possible


let the distressed birds fly away
not wanting         to know anything
of this human world

somewhere a little
girl cries       cries

& asks

if we collected all the tears
would it wash away the soot
resurrect the dead

would the birds come back?


Note: Written during the ongoing war Israel launched against Gaza.


no remission

as toys
in the hands
of the Mighty

crushed   mixed
for a long time
in mouths papers
and TV

We   Arabs
citizens of a country
whose land was
swallowed by language

Present absentees
floating with no remission
between sky & earth


Note: The land registry lists the property confiscated from Palestinians (land, houses, businesses, banks, and so forth) at the time of the creation of the State of Israel, distinguishing between two categories: “Absentees,”  orPalestinians expelled or driven to flee by terror during the 1947–1948 war; and “Present Absentees,” Palestinians who remained but were dispossessed following the destruction of their (more than 500) villages and/or confiscations.


Poetic Art of Savagery

Everything is literature Pessoa said while asking
Translations, please

Savagery has imposed itself
the poetic art of Savagery

for how to say
so ugly  so hard
a white-hot wound

if I could find the words   I would say how    among
the upheavals of history  & great disasters
that followed through realizations of random
combinations of virtual & real particles
(for a time they sought a nest in Africa & Latin

this other great disaster arose Supremacism
concealed in a Trojan horse named

Definitions belong to the Definers/not the Defined
Toni Morrison said

prison existence in the eyes of missiles or
the sights of rifles
threatened with jail by edict of mandatory Empire
(on which the sun never sets…)
& dispossession by invocation of
Sultan’s name

If at dawn one morning
they left the village
and walked to reach
a place where
no human
nor crowing cock
ould be heard
then that
would fall into
the hands of the
Sublime Porte


Notes: The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 is still used by the State of Israel to confiscate land lying fallow in response to the countless obstacles encountered by Palestinian farmers in accessing and cultivating it. Very often, this land is then handed over to illegal settlements in order to increase its size.

Sublime Porte: name formerly used in international relations to designate the Ottoman Empire.

Jour 97, Le temps a avalé le temps, 12 janvier

le temps a avalé le temps 
la nuit a avalé le jour 

passé   futur  confondus dans 
    un présent de terreur


le boa constricteur    enroulé autour de nos vies 
a serré    serré

immeuble après immeuble   
hôpital après hôpital 
librairie après librairie 
     corps après corps 

méthodiquement & à l’aveugle    
démolir     tuer le plus large


que les oiseaux épouvantés s’enfuient     
ne voulant         plus rien savoir
de ce monde humain

quelque part une petite fille 
pleure    pleure   

  & demande

si l’on recueillait tous les pleurs  
est-ce que cela laverait la suie
ressusciterait les morts 

les oiseaux reviendront-ils ?


Note : Écrit pendant la guerre, toujours en cours, menée par Israël contre Gaza.


sans rémission

entre les mains
des Puissants
les mots


les triturer   les malaxer
longuement dans
la bouche les journaux
à la télé


Nous    Arabes
citoyens d’un pays
au territoire
avalé par la langue


flottant sans rémission
entre terre & ciel


Note : Le Registre de Propriété recense les biens confisqués aux Palestiniens (terres, maisons, entreprises, banques, etc.) au moment de la création de l’État d’Israël en distinguant deux catégories. Les « Absents », Palestiniens expulsés ou incités à fuir par la terreur pendant la guerre de 1947-1948. « Présents Absents », Palestiniens qui sont demeurés mais ont été dépossédés à la suite de la destruction de leurs villages (plus de 500) et/ou aux confiscations.


Art poétique de la sauvagerie 

Tout est littérature   affirmait Pessoa qui réclamait
Traduction. S’il vous plaît 

Sauvagerie s’est imposée    
l’Art poétique de la Sauvagerie  


car comment dire

si laid  si dur     
blessure chauffée à blanc


si trouvais les mots   dirais comment    dans les  convulsions
de l’Histoire  & les grands malheurs
qui s’ensuivirent    par concrétisation de combinaisons
aléatoires de particules virtuelles & réelles
(ils cherchèrent un temps un nid du côté de l’Afrique
& de l’Amérique latine)


surgit cet autre grand malheur   
Suprématisme infiltré dans cheval de Troie
portant nom Démocratie



Définitions appartiennent aux Définisseurs/non aux Définis   
disait Toni Morrison


existence carcérale dans l’œil des missiles ou le
viseur des fusils
menacés de cachot par édit de l’Empire mandataire 
(celui sur lequel le soleil jamais…)   
& dépossession par invocation du nom
du Sultan    


Si au matin à l’aube
ils sortaient du village
& marchaient jusqu’à
arriver en un lieu où l’on
n’entende ni voix humaine  
ni coq chanter
alors cette terre passerait
entre les mains de la
Sublime Porte


Notes : Édit de 1858 datant de l’époque ottomane, encore utilisé par l’État d’Israël afin de confisquer les terres laissées en jachère suite aux innombrables obstacles que rencontrent les paysans palestiniens pour y accéder et les cultiver. Très souvent, ces terres seront cédées aux colonies illégales après quelque temps pour en accroître la superficie.

Sublime Porte : nom autrefois en usage, dans les relations internationales, pour désigner l’Empire ottoman.

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