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Regeneration: The Seeds of Life

Poet Virginie Hoifua Te Matagi Tafilagi of Wallis and Futuna celebrates Pacific peoples and their age-old history of transoceanic voyaging.
A picture of the mast of a Hōkūleʻa (a Polynesian double-hulled voyaging canoe.)
Picture by Miliefsk, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

To the immortal Hōkūle’a

 A shore, a call,
In secret accord
The coast quickens to the wind
Its mute response.   

A bird sings loud and long
Alights amid the days
When marriage terms are set
And soil and rock contested.  

The bird sings chants and prayers
Cries and tears of yesterdays that
Resound in minds, in hearts
Resound and surge
Like waves of a memory-stream
Recalling magnetic legends
The evanescent myths
From long ago.  

Volcano-Woman has lost patience
with the blockage of the vision
the cramping of imaginations
the hypnotic, mazy deviations:
spineless certitudes of disbelieving absolutes.  

Mountain-Man, precipitate, culls plants
Of raw magic power between his flanks of rock
Doubling himself in the oiled womb
Bringing his aid to far-reaching futures.

A spasm of sap and organelles
in dull cracking emanations.

The pitiless fluid stuffs of life
pour massively down
On the numbing anxieties
of expectation.

In a single, self-same glance
They take her in.

Their eyes grow dry

But, entranced by the calls of conches
hanging from cords of fiber-hair
their eyelids moisten
heavy with the sweet scent of leaves

then lift again
in single self-same sight.

They look at her
They stare at her.

They use, they waste
The fleeting moment.

Longed for, awaited
she now has come.
They find her there . . .
a gift
To counter the tyrannizing tale
That thirsts to impose
unchallenged truth.

To counter the tyrannizing tale
That thirsts to impose
unchallenged truth.

She dips and dances
she stretches and points
her flanks give profile
to long-promised shores
courting the secret
and sacred forces
of the precious gift
at the very heart.

You have made your appeal to us:
Here is the solution offered you
a counter to the many setbacks met
the multitude of shoals you risk. 

You merely have to take this gift
In complete simplicity
In complete humility
Accept the care and love we bring.

Thinking you must give constant thanks
Comes from the choice that you have made
To see yourself at the surface of souls.
Do not yield to the fatal urge
To give things away while adopting others
The rush to embrace the appeals of desire
Which dishonor passing on useful goods
that rot when plenty is universal.

No longer seek me in the stones
Beneath the earth, or in the trees
Of the virgin forests I inject with life
And bind to men and all present things.

Grant them respect!

The voiceless, life-drained bodies grunt.
As one, their ligaments quiver and draw,
reddening under the urgent strain
and to emboldened articulations
they lend their power.

Ligaments and cartilage
Exhorted now to resolutely
venture forth, quiver and hum;
gripped by pelagic intuition
exultant, they perform their tasks.

Strident voices
moving limbs
Surge out from
The shadow-realm
Adopting rhythms
That command respect
Their warlike vigor
Creates emotion.
Limbs and voices
pick up the beat
Wrists and calves
and sinuous arms
Strip off accumulated
Directed towards
The navigators of ancient times
The sails and moai
of legend.

As well, with supple precision, their chants
clothe them in natural dignity
which common words cannot express.
What is, and what no longer is
stand revealed through diffractions
that minds can grasp.

What’s being reborn will imprint
from body to body and change of skies
two link-boards of stellar suturing
a triumphant tattoo whose breadth requires
constraint and conciliation.

Limbs in vigorous motion fall
To weaving expert-chosen fronds
In depth, embracing them, inspired
By a longing that’s been fulfilled
Then sending them to bring new courage
To islands mired in porous sand
Too afraid
Too haughtily proud
Too mean
To defy the threatening
Cutting edge
Of ocean’s depths.

Eager wakes cleave limpid waters

Surging waves pursue and then
Suddenly fall back.

Intrepid long canoes leap out
Driving for the coral gap

That tells old tales of the sea beyond.

Sacred waters of mystery
On the platform of the reef
make soft your depths.

You crested lords of salt

Over your faultless dignity

Break as foam.

Let each one take the place
reserved for them on the curving
tumult of the ocean,
gaze fixed upon
the point of origin.

No one stands apart
clear-eyed intensities
are mobilized
in harmony.

Paddles of strength, sails of power

You have formed yourselves anew
You have borne us to this place.

Behold the Paddle-Guide
Churn of parading waves

I call upon
Multitudes of cosmic winds
To soar above unmoving roots
In expectation of the word
That delivers
And brings liberty.

The Untameable
Summoned by the Land
Of Here and Now.

I hail you
As Immortal
Sacred Ocean-Canoe
At last restored
To our souls.   

On the Eternity-Canoe
Are incised vital destinies
In hundreds, thousands,
In hundreds of thousands
An Edenic multiplicity.

HOKULE’A,  auē!

Eternal Vaka-Moana
for you has been reserved
The Royal Kava
Of the Great Crossing.


“Sève et Plastes” © Virginie Hoifua Te Matagi Tafilagi-Takala. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2024 by Colin Anderson. All rights reserved.

English French (Original)

To the immortal Hōkūle’a

 A shore, a call,
In secret accord
The coast quickens to the wind
Its mute response.   

A bird sings loud and long
Alights amid the days
When marriage terms are set
And soil and rock contested.  

The bird sings chants and prayers
Cries and tears of yesterdays that
Resound in minds, in hearts
Resound and surge
Like waves of a memory-stream
Recalling magnetic legends
The evanescent myths
From long ago.  

Volcano-Woman has lost patience
with the blockage of the vision
the cramping of imaginations
the hypnotic, mazy deviations:
spineless certitudes of disbelieving absolutes.  

Mountain-Man, precipitate, culls plants
Of raw magic power between his flanks of rock
Doubling himself in the oiled womb
Bringing his aid to far-reaching futures.

A spasm of sap and organelles
in dull cracking emanations.

The pitiless fluid stuffs of life
pour massively down
On the numbing anxieties
of expectation.

In a single, self-same glance
They take her in.

Their eyes grow dry

But, entranced by the calls of conches
hanging from cords of fiber-hair
their eyelids moisten
heavy with the sweet scent of leaves

then lift again
in single self-same sight.

They look at her
They stare at her.

They use, they waste
The fleeting moment.

Longed for, awaited
she now has come.
They find her there . . .
a gift
To counter the tyrannizing tale
That thirsts to impose
unchallenged truth.

To counter the tyrannizing tale
That thirsts to impose
unchallenged truth.

She dips and dances
she stretches and points
her flanks give profile
to long-promised shores
courting the secret
and sacred forces
of the precious gift
at the very heart.

You have made your appeal to us:
Here is the solution offered you
a counter to the many setbacks met
the multitude of shoals you risk. 

You merely have to take this gift
In complete simplicity
In complete humility
Accept the care and love we bring.

Thinking you must give constant thanks
Comes from the choice that you have made
To see yourself at the surface of souls.
Do not yield to the fatal urge
To give things away while adopting others
The rush to embrace the appeals of desire
Which dishonor passing on useful goods
that rot when plenty is universal.

No longer seek me in the stones
Beneath the earth, or in the trees
Of the virgin forests I inject with life
And bind to men and all present things.

Grant them respect!

The voiceless, life-drained bodies grunt.
As one, their ligaments quiver and draw,
reddening under the urgent strain
and to emboldened articulations
they lend their power.

Ligaments and cartilage
Exhorted now to resolutely
venture forth, quiver and hum;
gripped by pelagic intuition
exultant, they perform their tasks.

Strident voices
moving limbs
Surge out from
The shadow-realm
Adopting rhythms
That command respect
Their warlike vigor
Creates emotion.
Limbs and voices
pick up the beat
Wrists and calves
and sinuous arms
Strip off accumulated
Directed towards
The navigators of ancient times
The sails and moai
of legend.

As well, with supple precision, their chants
clothe them in natural dignity
which common words cannot express.
What is, and what no longer is
stand revealed through diffractions
that minds can grasp.

What’s being reborn will imprint
from body to body and change of skies
two link-boards of stellar suturing
a triumphant tattoo whose breadth requires
constraint and conciliation.

Limbs in vigorous motion fall
To weaving expert-chosen fronds
In depth, embracing them, inspired
By a longing that’s been fulfilled
Then sending them to bring new courage
To islands mired in porous sand
Too afraid
Too haughtily proud
Too mean
To defy the threatening
Cutting edge
Of ocean’s depths.

Eager wakes cleave limpid waters

Surging waves pursue and then
Suddenly fall back.

Intrepid long canoes leap out
Driving for the coral gap

That tells old tales of the sea beyond.

Sacred waters of mystery
On the platform of the reef
make soft your depths.

You crested lords of salt

Over your faultless dignity

Break as foam.

Let each one take the place
reserved for them on the curving
tumult of the ocean,
gaze fixed upon
the point of origin.

No one stands apart
clear-eyed intensities
are mobilized
in harmony.

Paddles of strength, sails of power

You have formed yourselves anew
You have borne us to this place.

Behold the Paddle-Guide
Churn of parading waves

I call upon
Multitudes of cosmic winds
To soar above unmoving roots
In expectation of the word
That delivers
And brings liberty.

The Untameable
Summoned by the Land
Of Here and Now.

I hail you
As Immortal
Sacred Ocean-Canoe
At last restored
To our souls.   

On the Eternity-Canoe
Are incised vital destinies
In hundreds, thousands,
In hundreds of thousands
An Edenic multiplicity.

HOKULE’A,  auē!

Eternal Vaka-Moana
for you has been reserved
The Royal Kava
Of the Great Crossing.


SÈVE et PLASTES à HŌKŪLE’A l’Immortelle

Une rive, un appel,
De connivence
La côte au vent tressaille
En parallèle.                                                     

Un oiseau s’égosille,
Échoue sur des lendemains
De fiançailles, des champs                
De bataille terre et tuf.  

L’oiseau parle chants et prières,                   
Cris et pleurs d’hier qui                                   
Dans les esprits, dans les cœurs
S’émeuvent, se meuvent
En flots de mémoire-fleuve                         
De légendes magnétiques :
Mythe évanescent
Depuis si longtemps.

Des entraves à la transe, des crampes
À la déraison Volcan-Femme s’impatiente
De l’errance hypnotique, fantasmagorique :             
Veules certitudes d’absolus agnostiques.

Abrupt, Homme-Montagne taille des essences
De magie brute entre ses flancs lithiques, 
Se dédouble dans le ventre d’huile          
À la rescousse des futurs au long cours.    

Un spasme sève et plastes
En craquements sourds.
Plastes et sève impitoyables
Chutent massivement                         
Sur les affres lénifiantes
De l’attente.

Ils l’enveloppent d’un seul
Et même regard
Leurs yeux s’assèchent.
Ivres de trompes d’appel
Suspendues aux cheveux d’écorce
Les paupières s’humectent,                
Croulent de bénéolentes frondaisons
 Puis, se relèvent.

Ils l’envisagent
La dévisagent.             
Ils usent, abusent
Du temps qui flotte.

Voulue, attendue elle est venue.
Ils la découvrent :
À la parole tyrannique
Assoiffée de geste hiératique.   

Elle tangue et danse
Elle s’étire et s’affine.
Ses bordages esquissent
Des grèves promises,
 Courtisent à l’épicentre
Les forces secrètes
Et sacrées
De la chose donnée.

Vous nous avez sollicités                    
Voici la solution avancée face
Aux nombreux revers essuyés,
À la multitude d’écueils à braver.  

Il ne tient qu’à vous de la recevoir    
En toute simplicité
En toute humilité,
Acceptez d’être choyés, aimés.

Vous croire indéfiniment redevables
Procède de votre propre choix
De vous mirer à la surface des âmes.
Ne cédez point à la tentation fatale
De l’escalade d’échanges, de la course
Aux armes du cœur qui déshonorent
La redistribution de biens utiles putrescibles
En cas d’affluence de toute origine.  

Ne me traquez plus dans les pierres             
Sous la terre, sur les arbres
Des forêts primaires que je vivifie,
Lie aux hommes et aux autres choses d’ici.

Respectez-les !

Aphones, les corps évidés toussotent.         
À l’unisson des ligaments ondoient
Rougeoient dans l’effort,                               
À des cartilages audacieux
Ils s’abandonnent.

Ligaments et Cartilages
Qu’on exhorte résolument
À l’exode, ronronnent, bouillonnent
Dans une intuition pélagique.
Pragmatiques ils exultent et s’exécutent.

Postures et sons se ruent
Hors de l’ombre.
Par des rythmes respectables
Leur frénésie offensive se laisse émouvoir.
Sons et postures accélèrent en cadence,
Poignets, mollets experts jouant des coudes
Se dépouillent du fiel, du mépris
À l’endroit
Des piroguiers millénaires
Aux voiles, aux moai légendaires.

Tatillons, agiles les mots aussitôt
Les habillent de dignité endémique
Communément indicible.
Ce qui est, ce qui n’est plus
S’expose, explose en nuances intelligibles.
Ce qui renaît gravera d’un corps aux autres
D’un ciel à l’autre deux charnières à suture
Sidérale, tatouage triomphal
Dont les dimensions requièrent
Contrainte et conciliation.  

Ligaments et Cartilages s’abattent
Sur le tressage pénétrant des feuilles aguerries
Les étreignant sur l’inspiration
Du désir accompli
Les dépêchant au chevet des côtes
Aux abords couards d’humeurs hautes
Et mesquines
Au-devant des tranchantes
Belliqueuses d’abysse.

Sillages ardents se profilent   
Flots impétueux les pourchassent
Précipitamment se ravisent. 
Pirogues Intrépides surgissent
S’empressent à la porte
Mémoire du large 

Eaux sibyllines
Sur la plate-forme de corail
Ployez vos abîmes,
Éminences salines
Sur vos dignités sans faille           
Capitulez en écume.

Rames et voiles redoutables
Vous vous êtes rassemblées 
Jusqu’ici vous nous avez portés.
Voici Rame-Guide
Voici l’Indomptable            
Que la Terre d’Ici réclame.

Je convoque 
Multitude de vents cosmiques
Au-dessus des racines immobiles
Dans l’expectative de la parole
Qui livre
Et délivre.

Je vous nomme
Immortelle HŌkŪLE’A.
Pirogue d’Océan faste
À nos âmes, vous êtes rendue.
Vivaces destinées, sur la Pirogue
D’Éternité, se gravent par centaines
Par milliers, par centaines de milliers.
Vaka-Moana Immortelle  HŌKŪLE’A ‘auē
Vous est réservé
Le breuvage ‘ALIKI
De la Traversée.

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