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By Iryna Shuvalova
Translated from Ukrainian by Uilleam Blacker
As night falls, the narrator of Iryna Shuvalova's poem reflects on victimhood and the possibility of healing.
A sunset behind a line of trees
Photo by Niels Weiss on Unsplash

so hard to hate someone at the end of a long day
when the distance between our morning and evening selves
lengthens like the shadows of the trees at the boundary between two fields
when the last rays of the sun break like spears
on the back of the great beast of the night
as it crawls out from behind the horizon

at an hour like this
it is hard to tell a wound: hurt, don’t heal
to tell your heart: beat like a fire alarm bell
to tell your body: tie yourself in a knot tremble don’t let go

at an hour like this it is especially hard
to till a stony field with rusty iron
to sow tiny seeds of rage blindly into the dark earth
to hope for a bitter harvest from bitter seeds

because—can you hear—the birds have stopped rustling in the dark
do you see—the trees have gathered at the gates in the twilight
and those who have wronged us
still wander our fields not knowing our roads
stumbling helpless in the dark

in the end every wound is simply a ditch
a groove in the ground from which a long stubborn root has been torn
a burrow from which a fox has been smoked and chased endlessly through rainy fields
a rut carved by a helpless wheel in a sodden road

soon the wind the rain will come for it and the grass the grass
the birch goosefoot dog-grass burdock hemlock will sew the uneven edges together
the earth will lick its grazed memory
with its coarse green tongue

and so we too
forget to hate as we sleep
and simply grow like grass
covering the earth
with our clinging brittle

© Iryna Shuvalova. By arrangement with the author. Translation copyright © 2023 by Uilleam Blacker. All rights reserved.

English Ukrainian (Original)

so hard to hate someone at the end of a long day
when the distance between our morning and evening selves
lengthens like the shadows of the trees at the boundary between two fields
when the last rays of the sun break like spears
on the back of the great beast of the night
as it crawls out from behind the horizon

at an hour like this
it is hard to tell a wound: hurt, don’t heal
to tell your heart: beat like a fire alarm bell
to tell your body: tie yourself in a knot tremble don’t let go

at an hour like this it is especially hard
to till a stony field with rusty iron
to sow tiny seeds of rage blindly into the dark earth
to hope for a bitter harvest from bitter seeds

because—can you hear—the birds have stopped rustling in the dark
do you see—the trees have gathered at the gates in the twilight
and those who have wronged us
still wander our fields not knowing our roads
stumbling helpless in the dark

in the end every wound is simply a ditch
a groove in the ground from which a long stubborn root has been torn
a burrow from which a fox has been smoked and chased endlessly through rainy fields
a rut carved by a helpless wheel in a sodden road

soon the wind the rain will come for it and the grass the grass
the birch goosefoot dog-grass burdock hemlock will sew the uneven edges together
the earth will lick its grazed memory
with its coarse green tongue

and so we too
forget to hate as we sleep
and simply grow like grass
covering the earth
with our clinging brittle

© Iryna Shuvalova. By arrangement with the author. Translation copyright © 2023 by Uilleam Blacker. All rights reserved.


так важко когось ненавидіти після довгого дня
коли відстань між нами ранішніми й нами вечірніми
довшає як тіні дерев на межі
коли останні промені сонця ламаються як списи
об спину великого звіра ночі
що суне з-за обрію

такої години
важко сказати рані не гойся боли
серцю – калатай як дзвін на пожежу
тілові – скрутися вузлом і тремти не відпускай

такої години особливо непросто
боронувати камінну ниву іржавим залізом
наосліп сіяти маленькі зерна люті в чорноту
сподіватися з гіркого збіжжя гіркого врожаю

бо чуєш уже відшаруділи в сутіні птахи
бачиш уже дерева зійшлися в пітьмі до воріт
а ті хто скривдив нас
і досі блукають полями не знаючи дороги
спотикаючися безпорадно в пітьмі

зрештою будь-яка рана то тільки рівчак
яма в землі з якої видерли упертий довгий корінь
нора з якої викурили лисицю і довго гнали полями під дощем
ринва виїдена безпомічним колесом на розкислій дорозі

скоро по неї прийде вітер дощ потім трава трава
берізка лобода пирій реп’ях болиголов затягнуть нерівні краї
земля залиже свою розшарпану пам’ять
зеленим шерехатим язиком

от і ми
забуваємо ненавидіти вві сні
й тільки ростемо як трава
вкриваючи цілу землю
своєю чіпкою ламкою
нікому не потрібною

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