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My Body

By Manal Al-Sheikh
Translated from Arabic by Angham A. Abdullah

A body that is the one I borrowed the first night with you . . . 
I watch it every night running toward a waveless sea where the sand of
age rests in its veins . . .
The wearied ships land in its eyes
and summon it to sleep . . .

© Manal Al-Sheikh. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2014 by Angham A. Abdullah. All rights reserved.

English Arabic (Original)

A body that is the one I borrowed the first night with you . . . 
I watch it every night running toward a waveless sea where the sand of
age rests in its veins . . .
The wearied ships land in its eyes
and summon it to sleep . . .

© Manal Al-Sheikh. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2014 by Angham A. Abdullah. All rights reserved.


جسدٌ لا يُشبِهُ جسدي

ذلك الذي استعرتُهُ في ليلتي الأولى معكَ

أراقبُهُ  كلَّ ليلةٍ، يمضي

نحوَ بحرٍ بِلا أمواجٍ

يستقيمُ رملُ العمرِ في الشرايينِ

وترسو سفنُ التعبِ في مقلتيهِ


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