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The Killer’s Monologue

By Umar Timol
Translated from French by David Ball & Nicole Ball
In a chilling monologue by Mauritian author Umar Timol, a murderer speaks to a dead audience.

OK, obviously you don’t believe me. You can’t help laughing. You tell me I’m not serious, I’m taking you for an idiot, a nitwit, I’m trying to put one over on you. Hey, did I ask you your opinion? Did I ask any questions?

Do I know what they say about me? Sure I do. I’m an old schmuck who never did a thing in his life and still doesn’t do anything. I’m a loser; at forty I’m rotting away in a two-room flat, I have a face that would scare the hell out of a vampire, I got a belly like a hot-air balloon, I never got married, I don’t have any kids, and I’m taking it easy while everybody else is breaking their ass. 

So what d’you think? You think a moron can’t be a hit man, I must be talking bullshit. Me. I look like a loser, a goof-off. Maybe a guy with no principles, no morals, whatever, but a killer, come on, you’re sure I’m putting you on big time.

I should tell you you’re right? Well, no, you’re totally wrong. In fact I have the reputation of being one of the best. It’s true that over the years I did perfect my art. You could even say I’m a master. Not a great master but someone who knows what he’s doing, with experience, someone you can trust. The secret of my success, if I can put it that way, is that I’m not greedy or sadistic. I don’t do it to rake in as much dough as possible, my price is more than reasonable and I don’t get a kick out of killing. I’m not like those morons who enjoy torturing the victim before whacking him. To each his own, and it’s none of my business but let’s say that for me, I get my kicks in a different way. I’m methodical, precise, organized, and I do a good, clean job. You might even say I do it out of love. I operate at night, in silence, and I grant a calm, serene death to my target. If that’s not love what is? He or she dies in their sleep, doesn’t have time to ask questions or have any regrets, think about their insurance, think about their lover or their mistress, or think about all the useless crap that can ruin a life. I intervene like the hand of God and I send them off to eternal peace. 

What pushed me into this trade? Hey, you’re beginning to get the jitters. What’s with you, turning red like that? You weren’t expecting that, right? When you saw me you told yourself, oh it’s that old guy, I’m gonna talk to him, I’m sure he wants to tell me about himself, I’m gonna do some listening, a little social work never does any harm and then, the boot. And what do you find out? Tell me what you’re finding out. I can’t hear you. Louder. You’re finding out I have the face of an asshole but a heart of stone. Right. Good. So you see appearances can be deceiving. Gotta watch out, see, scratch the surface a little and you might see the monster spring up before the dope.

When I was twenty, something happened to me all of sudden, like a hammer that smashed my spirit to pieces. OK I’m not gonna give you a lecture in social philosophy but let’s say that society offers you two paths, submission or revolt. When I say submission I’m talking about a guy like my dad. He was an honest man but what a cruddy life, years and years working like a dog to buy a little house, pay off the loan, raise the kids, dream of a promotion that another guy with political connections stole from under his nose—you know, a whole bunch of shitty problems and he finally dies at forty-five from a heart attack. You can’t be more pathetic than that. On his deathbed, he made me promise ki mo pou reste touzours, that I’d always stay on the straight and narrow. Really, Pop, what were you thinking? You think you’re a role model? You call that a life? You think I want a career in the ass-licking sector? You never got into your head that while you were grinding away, playing Mister Respectable, poor-but-nice, Mister PhD-in-Bootlicking, other people were making it big, stealing, cheating and stuffing their pockets. Poor Pop, but all right you can’t live your life over again.

Did I want a better society? Hey, you crazy or what? You can’t change man, he is what he is, a wolf, a wild animal, a jackal, a hyena, whatever, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So what does it mean to revolt? It means subverting the system, using it without being used by it. 

Do I feel remorse? Of course not. If I kill them they deserve it—people in fishy situations like that might as well have a sign on their skull with “Kill me” on it. Look, think of that old lady I eliminated recently, she didn’t deserve it? She was filthy rich but she wouldn’t give anything to her kids and some of them were poor as hell. So they agreed to get rid of her. And guess who did the dirty job? Yours truly. The one and only. I admit the old asshole almost ruined my evening. I was just about to stick two bullets in her head when she woke up. And she began to beg. Non missié na pas touye moi. Mo pou donne cinq mille roupies. No sir, no kill me. Me can give five thousan roupies. And to think I was counting on giving her a beautiful death, no more pangs of greed. She started to holler, not a pretty sight. But OK I’m a professional and feelings go into the garbage can, so I shoved a rag in her mouth before I executed her. You got to know how to deal with the unexpected or you might lose control of the situation. And anything that’s out of the ordinary can wreck your reputation.

I have another memory, don’t know if you’re interested? But really, that was so great, they asked me to knock off a young couple, very respectable, the gentleman was a teacher and the lady an accountant, a nice house in Sodnac and a pretty bungalow under construction in Palmar but they had one bad flaw, they liked to play the races, so much that they got into debt with people who don’t kid around, if you know what I mean. And one fine evening I found myself in their bedroom. They were a handsome couple and the woman was gorgeous. I walked over to her and stroked her hair for a long time. I even cried and a few tears flowed onto her forehead. I love to watch people sleep because that’s when you really find out who they are. And this woman had the face of an angel. First I stabbed the husband brutally and then, slowly, very slowly, I strangled the woman; it was lovely, even sublime, to see her beauty fade away and disappear forever. I still think of her face often.

What I do when I’m not working? Well I like to go to nightclubs. There’s a discotheque in Grand-Baie I particularly like. You mainly meet hookers, tourists, and a few young people there. But mostly I go there to dance. I let the music flood my body and I feel light, I whirl around, I see sparks dancing in my head. I feel so much pleasure I could come, and I can stay like that for hours on end. Sometimes I pick up a girl, one of those young birdbrains who think you have to show everything and say anything at all. I take her back home and we screw like crazy. The problem is when they want to hang on, you’d think they were Superglue, I get mad and I get rid of them. 

No no, I don’t kill them. I’m not that stupid. I send them back home with a few wads of bills in their pockets. That’s enough to cool their ardor. For me, there’s nothing dumber than the bullshit of love, I love you, you love me, it’s nice for a while but afterwards it gets rancid, it gives off a smell of puke. I’d rather have a good hard come in the girl’s body and then adios.

My future? Well now there’s a word I hate. I chose to live in the moment but since you insist, why not. I’m planning on retiring soon. I still like my job just as much but you gotta know when to stop. And since I still have twenty years or so to live, I plan to commit suicide at sixty. Those illnesses—Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, God knows what other crap—hell no, not for me thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Same for depending on a bunch of retards in a nursing home or standing in line to get that horrible disability pension. Might as well get everything you can out of what you got. I have a nice little pile I keep in a safe and I plan to use it. And you can bet I’m gonna live la dolce vita, by the seaside, do the clubs every Friday and Saturday night and above all let myself be rocked by the gentle melody of the waves from dawn to midnight. Out of this world. Nirvana.

All right, I’m not gonna hang around any more. I got work waiting for me. Let me feel your forehead to see where you’re at. Hey, you’re completely cold. Man, you’re really a quick one. 

OK, I’m outta here and since I’m polite, I’m gonna call the police and tell them there’s a stinking corpse in your house. 

© Umar Timol. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2012 by David Ball and Nicole Ball. All rights reserved.

English French (Original)

OK, obviously you don’t believe me. You can’t help laughing. You tell me I’m not serious, I’m taking you for an idiot, a nitwit, I’m trying to put one over on you. Hey, did I ask you your opinion? Did I ask any questions?

Do I know what they say about me? Sure I do. I’m an old schmuck who never did a thing in his life and still doesn’t do anything. I’m a loser; at forty I’m rotting away in a two-room flat, I have a face that would scare the hell out of a vampire, I got a belly like a hot-air balloon, I never got married, I don’t have any kids, and I’m taking it easy while everybody else is breaking their ass. 

So what d’you think? You think a moron can’t be a hit man, I must be talking bullshit. Me. I look like a loser, a goof-off. Maybe a guy with no principles, no morals, whatever, but a killer, come on, you’re sure I’m putting you on big time.

I should tell you you’re right? Well, no, you’re totally wrong. In fact I have the reputation of being one of the best. It’s true that over the years I did perfect my art. You could even say I’m a master. Not a great master but someone who knows what he’s doing, with experience, someone you can trust. The secret of my success, if I can put it that way, is that I’m not greedy or sadistic. I don’t do it to rake in as much dough as possible, my price is more than reasonable and I don’t get a kick out of killing. I’m not like those morons who enjoy torturing the victim before whacking him. To each his own, and it’s none of my business but let’s say that for me, I get my kicks in a different way. I’m methodical, precise, organized, and I do a good, clean job. You might even say I do it out of love. I operate at night, in silence, and I grant a calm, serene death to my target. If that’s not love what is? He or she dies in their sleep, doesn’t have time to ask questions or have any regrets, think about their insurance, think about their lover or their mistress, or think about all the useless crap that can ruin a life. I intervene like the hand of God and I send them off to eternal peace. 

What pushed me into this trade? Hey, you’re beginning to get the jitters. What’s with you, turning red like that? You weren’t expecting that, right? When you saw me you told yourself, oh it’s that old guy, I’m gonna talk to him, I’m sure he wants to tell me about himself, I’m gonna do some listening, a little social work never does any harm and then, the boot. And what do you find out? Tell me what you’re finding out. I can’t hear you. Louder. You’re finding out I have the face of an asshole but a heart of stone. Right. Good. So you see appearances can be deceiving. Gotta watch out, see, scratch the surface a little and you might see the monster spring up before the dope.

When I was twenty, something happened to me all of sudden, like a hammer that smashed my spirit to pieces. OK I’m not gonna give you a lecture in social philosophy but let’s say that society offers you two paths, submission or revolt. When I say submission I’m talking about a guy like my dad. He was an honest man but what a cruddy life, years and years working like a dog to buy a little house, pay off the loan, raise the kids, dream of a promotion that another guy with political connections stole from under his nose—you know, a whole bunch of shitty problems and he finally dies at forty-five from a heart attack. You can’t be more pathetic than that. On his deathbed, he made me promise ki mo pou reste touzours, that I’d always stay on the straight and narrow. Really, Pop, what were you thinking? You think you’re a role model? You call that a life? You think I want a career in the ass-licking sector? You never got into your head that while you were grinding away, playing Mister Respectable, poor-but-nice, Mister PhD-in-Bootlicking, other people were making it big, stealing, cheating and stuffing their pockets. Poor Pop, but all right you can’t live your life over again.

Did I want a better society? Hey, you crazy or what? You can’t change man, he is what he is, a wolf, a wild animal, a jackal, a hyena, whatever, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So what does it mean to revolt? It means subverting the system, using it without being used by it. 

Do I feel remorse? Of course not. If I kill them they deserve it—people in fishy situations like that might as well have a sign on their skull with “Kill me” on it. Look, think of that old lady I eliminated recently, she didn’t deserve it? She was filthy rich but she wouldn’t give anything to her kids and some of them were poor as hell. So they agreed to get rid of her. And guess who did the dirty job? Yours truly. The one and only. I admit the old asshole almost ruined my evening. I was just about to stick two bullets in her head when she woke up. And she began to beg. Non missié na pas touye moi. Mo pou donne cinq mille roupies. No sir, no kill me. Me can give five thousan roupies. And to think I was counting on giving her a beautiful death, no more pangs of greed. She started to holler, not a pretty sight. But OK I’m a professional and feelings go into the garbage can, so I shoved a rag in her mouth before I executed her. You got to know how to deal with the unexpected or you might lose control of the situation. And anything that’s out of the ordinary can wreck your reputation.

I have another memory, don’t know if you’re interested? But really, that was so great, they asked me to knock off a young couple, very respectable, the gentleman was a teacher and the lady an accountant, a nice house in Sodnac and a pretty bungalow under construction in Palmar but they had one bad flaw, they liked to play the races, so much that they got into debt with people who don’t kid around, if you know what I mean. And one fine evening I found myself in their bedroom. They were a handsome couple and the woman was gorgeous. I walked over to her and stroked her hair for a long time. I even cried and a few tears flowed onto her forehead. I love to watch people sleep because that’s when you really find out who they are. And this woman had the face of an angel. First I stabbed the husband brutally and then, slowly, very slowly, I strangled the woman; it was lovely, even sublime, to see her beauty fade away and disappear forever. I still think of her face often.

What I do when I’m not working? Well I like to go to nightclubs. There’s a discotheque in Grand-Baie I particularly like. You mainly meet hookers, tourists, and a few young people there. But mostly I go there to dance. I let the music flood my body and I feel light, I whirl around, I see sparks dancing in my head. I feel so much pleasure I could come, and I can stay like that for hours on end. Sometimes I pick up a girl, one of those young birdbrains who think you have to show everything and say anything at all. I take her back home and we screw like crazy. The problem is when they want to hang on, you’d think they were Superglue, I get mad and I get rid of them. 

No no, I don’t kill them. I’m not that stupid. I send them back home with a few wads of bills in their pockets. That’s enough to cool their ardor. For me, there’s nothing dumber than the bullshit of love, I love you, you love me, it’s nice for a while but afterwards it gets rancid, it gives off a smell of puke. I’d rather have a good hard come in the girl’s body and then adios.

My future? Well now there’s a word I hate. I chose to live in the moment but since you insist, why not. I’m planning on retiring soon. I still like my job just as much but you gotta know when to stop. And since I still have twenty years or so to live, I plan to commit suicide at sixty. Those illnesses—Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, God knows what other crap—hell no, not for me thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Same for depending on a bunch of retards in a nursing home or standing in line to get that horrible disability pension. Might as well get everything you can out of what you got. I have a nice little pile I keep in a safe and I plan to use it. And you can bet I’m gonna live la dolce vita, by the seaside, do the clubs every Friday and Saturday night and above all let myself be rocked by the gentle melody of the waves from dawn to midnight. Out of this world. Nirvana.

All right, I’m not gonna hang around any more. I got work waiting for me. Let me feel your forehead to see where you’re at. Hey, you’re completely cold. Man, you’re really a quick one. 

OK, I’m outta here and since I’m polite, I’m gonna call the police and tell them there’s a stinking corpse in your house. 

© Umar Timol. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2012 by David Ball and Nicole Ball. All rights reserved.

Le monologue du tueur

Bon c’est clair que tu me crois pas. Tu pouffes de rire. Tu me dis que je suis pas sérieux. Que je pense que t’es un idiot ou un ‘lerni’. Que je te fais avaler des couleuvres. Non, mais est-ce que je t’ai sonné moi ? Est-ce que j’ai demandé des questions moi ?

Si je sais ce qu’on dit à propos de moi ? Bien sûr, que je suis un vieux con qui n’a jamais rien foutu de sa vie et qui ne fout toujours rien. Un minable qui, à quarante ans, croupit dans un deux pièces, qui a une tête qui donnerait la frousse à un vampire, qui traîne un ventre gros comme une montgolfière, qui ne s’est jamais marié, qui n’a pas d’enfants et qui se prélasse alors que tout le monde bosse.

Ce que t’en penses ? Qu’un ‘délère’ par excellence peut pas être un tueur à gages. Que je divague. Moi. Avec ma tronche de raté. De traîne-savate. A la limite un mec amoral ou sans principes, enfin tu sais pas toi, mais assassin, non, t’es certain que je me fous magistralement de ta gueule.

Te dire que t’as raison ? Ben non tu te trompes. Figure toi que j’ai la réputation d’être l’un des meilleurs. C’est vrai qu’au fil des années j’ai peaufiné mon art. On peut même avancer que je suis un maître. Pas un grand maître mais quelqu’un qui s’y connaît, qui a de l’expérience, à qui on peut faire confiance. Ce qui fait ma réussite, si j’ose dire, c’est que je ne suis ni cupide, ni sadique. Je ne le fais pas pour glaner un maximum de fric, mon tarif est plus que raisonnable, et je n’éprouve aucun ‘nissa’ à tuer. Je suis pas comme ces débiles qui s’amusent à torturer la victime avant de la bousiller. Chacun son truc et faut pas se mêler des affaires des autres mais disons que pour moi, la jouissance est ailleurs. Je suis méthodique, précis, organisé et je fais un travail propre. On peut même dire que je le fais par amour. J’opère la nuit, dans le silence, et j’accorde une mort tranquille et sereine à ma cible. Si c’est pas de l’amour ça c’est quoi ? Il ou elle meurt pendant son sommeil, n’a pas le temps de se poser de questions, d’avoir des regrets, de penser à son assurance, de penser à son amant ou à sa maîtresse, de penser à toutes ces petites conneries qui minent une vie. J’interviens comme la main de Dieu et je les destine à la paix éternelle.

Ce qui m’a poussé à épouser ce métier ? Mais dis donc tu commences à avoir la trouille toi. C’est quoi ces rougeurs là ? Tu n’attendais pas à ça, pas vrai ? Quand tu m’as vu tu t’es dit, ah c’est le vieux bonhomme, je vais lui parler, il veut sûrement se confier, je vais faire de l’écoute, un peu de travail social ne fait jamais de mal et puis à la porte. Et qu’est-ce qu’on découvre ? Dis-moi ce qu’on découvre. J’entends pas. Plus fort. Que j’ai une tête de con mais un cœur de fer. C’est ça. C’est bien. Comme quoi les apparences sont trompeuses. Faut se méfier tu vois, gratte un peu la surface et tu risques de voir surgir le monstre avant la bête.

A vingt ans, il y a un truc qui m’est tombé dessus, c’est comme une enclume qui m’a fracassé l’esprit. Bon je vais pas te faire un cours de philo mais disons que la société te propose deux voies, la soumission ou la révolte. Par soumission je te parle d’un mec comme mon père. C’était quelqu’un d’honnête mais quelle vie de merde, des années a bosser comme un chien pour s’acheter une petite maison, à payer le loan, à élever la marmaille, à rêver d’une promotion qu’un autre, avec des connections politiques, lui piqua, enfin toute une multitude d’emmerdes  pour enfin crever à quarante-cinq ans d’une crise cardiaque. On peut pas trouver plus pathétique que ça. Sur son lit de mort, il m’avait fait promettre ‘ki mo pou reste touzours’ dans le droit chemin. Non mais qu’est-ce que tu crois papa ? Que t’es un modèle ? Que c’est une vie ça ? Que je veux faire carrière dans le secteur du lèche-bottes ? T’as donc jamais compris que pendant que tu trimais, pendant que tu jouais à être ‘monsieur bien-comme-il-faut-pauvre–mais-sympathique, monsieur docteur-es-courbettes, d’autres cassaient la baraque, qu’ils volaient, trichaient et s’en mettaient plein les poches ? Pauvre papa, mais bon on peut pas refaire une vie.  

Si je voulais d’une société meilleure ? Non, mais t’es fou non ? On ne peut changer l’homme, il est ce qu’il est, un loup, un animal féroce, un chacal, une hyène, enfin tout ce que tu veux et rien ne pourra y faire. Alors c’est quoi la révolte ? C’est subvertir le système, s’en servir sans en être le serviteur.

Si j’ai des remords ? Evidemment que non, si je les tue c’est qu’ils le méritent, des gens qui se retrouvent dans de telles embrouilles ont comme une pancarte accrochée à leur crâne avec inscrit dessus, ‘Tuez-moi’ . Tiens considère cette vielle femme que j’ai éliminée récemment, est-ce qu’elle ne le méritait pas ? Elle puait le fric mais elle refusait d’en donner à ses enfants, dont certains vivaient dans la misère. Ils se sont donc arrangés pour s’en débarrasser. Et tu devines qui a fait le sale boulot. Ton dévoué et fidèle serviteur. The one and only. Je t’avoue que la vieille conne m’avait un peu gâché la soirée. J’étais à deux doigts de lui fourrer deux balles dans la tête quand elle s’est réveillée. Et elle a commencé à m’implorer. Non missié na pas touye moi. Mo pou donne cinq mille roupies. Et dire que je comptais lui offrir une belle mort, fini à tout jamais les affres de l’avarice. Elle se mit à gueuler et c’était pas joli à voir. Mais bon je suis un professionnel et les sentiments je les relègue à la poubelle, j’ai donc enfoncé un chiffon dans sa bouche avant de l’exécuter. Il faut savoir gérer l’inattendu car sinon tu risques de perdre le contrôle de la situation. Et tout ce qui sort de l’ordinaire peut mettre en péril ta réputation.

J’ai un autre souvenir, je sais pas si ça t’intéresse, ah oui, ben ça c’était génial, on m’avait demandé d’abattre un jeune couple, il étaient tout ce qu’il y a de plus respectable, monsieur enseignant et madame comptable, belle maison à Sodnac et joli bungalow en construction à Palmar mais ils avaient un très vilain défaut et c’est qu’ils aimaient jouer aux courses, à tel point qu’ils s’étaient endettés auprès de gens qui ne font pas dans la dentelle, si tu vois ce que je veux dire. Et je me suis retrouvé un beau soir dans leur chambre. C’était un beau couple et la femme était splendide. Je me suis approché d’elle et j’ai longuement caressé sa chevelure. J’ai même pleuré et quelques larmes ont coulé sur son front. J’adore regarder les gens dormir car c’est là qu’on les découvre vraiment. Et cette femme avait un visage d’ange. J’ai d’abord poignardé brutalement le mari et lentement, très lentement, j’ai étranglé la femme, c’était beau et même sublime de voir sa beauté flétrir et s’en aller à tout jamais.  

Il m’arrive encore souvent de penser à son visage.

Ce que je fous quand je ne bosse pas ? Ben j’aime bien me rendre en boite. Il y a une discothèque à Grand-Baie qui me plait tout particulièrement. On y rencontre essentiellement des putes, des touristes et quelques jeunes. Mais j’y vais surtout pour danser. Je laisse la musique tremper mon corps et je me sens léger, je tourbillonne, je vois des étincelles briller et danser dans ma tête. C’est à me faire gerber de plaisir et je peux rester comme ça pendant des heures. Parfois il m’arrive de draguer une fille, une de ces jeunes écervelés qui croient qu’il faut tout montrer et qu’il faut tout dire. Je la ramène à la maison et on baise comme des bêtes. L’ennui c’est quand elles veulent s’accrocher, on dirait de la colle Pattex, et je me mets en colère et je m’en débarrasse.

Mais non je ne les tue pas. Je suis pas con quand même. Je les renvoie chez elle avec quelques liasses de billets dans les poches. Ca suffit à calmer leurs ardeurs. Je trouve qu’il n’ y a rien de plus stupide que le baratin de l’amour, je t’aime, tu m’aimes, c’est agréable pour un temps mais après ça dégage une odeur de rance et de vomi. Je préfère jouir un bon coup dans le corps de la fille et puis basta.

Mon avenir ? Ben voilà un mot que j’exècre. J’ai choisi de vivre le moment présent mais puisque tu insistes pourquoi pas. Je compte bien prendre ma retraite bientôt. J’aime toujours tout autant mon boulot mais  faut savoir s’arrêter. Et comme il me reste encore une vingtaine d’années à vivre – je compte me suicider à soixante, non merci, messieurs, dames, pas pour moi les maladies, l’alzheimer, parkinson et je ne sais quelles conneries encore ou à dépendre dans un home d’une bande de tarés ou à faire la queue pour toucher cette affreuse pension d‘invalidité – autant en profiter au maximum. J’ai un joli pactole que je conserve dans un coffre et je compte l’utiliser. Et tu peux être certain que je vais me la couler douce, vivre à la mer, des virées en boite tous les vendredis et samedis soir et surtout me laisser bercer, de l’aube jusqu’à minuit, par la douce mélodie des vagues. C’est le rêve quoi. Le nirvana.

Bon je vais pas m’attarder plus longtemps. Il y a du boulot qui m’attend. Laisse-moi te tâter le front pour voir ou tu en es. Ben dis donc t’es complètement froid. T’es un rapide toi.

Allez je me casse et comme je suis poli je vais téléphoner à la police pour leur dire qu’il y a un cadavre qui pue dans ta maison.




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