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Weather Report

By Oscar Hahn
Translated from Spanish by James Hoggard
Chilean poet, Oscar Hahn, writes of a man's wife ability to forecast the weather and life.

My wife
was the weather woman

She predicted
her friends’ sexual temperature
without ever being wrong

She announced
with barometric precision
the storms that threatened our neighbors

She was wrong just once:

the day she went out on the street
in a summer dress
despite the dark clouds

the day I put my bags in the car
and headed out on the road
in the middle of thunder and lightning

© Oscar Hahn. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2007 by James Hoggard. All rights reserved.


My wife
was the weather woman

She predicted
her friends’ sexual temperature
without ever being wrong

She announced
with barometric precision
the storms that threatened our neighbors

She was wrong just once:

the day she went out on the street
in a summer dress
despite the dark clouds

the day I put my bags in the car
and headed out on the road
in the middle of thunder and lightning

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