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From Resurrection to Sunday

By Aigerim Tazhi
Translated from Russian by J. Kates
In this poem from Kazakhstan, Debut Prize finalist Aigerim Tazhi sketches a city waiting for salvation.

from resurrection to sunday
we cross off dates on the calendar
waiting for salvation

it comes in an appearance of mountain air
in the gas chamber of a city

silvery ants
drag stones up to the summit
rub against steel sides

tracks left on the neck from a tight collar

under quilted clouds

© Aigerim Tazhi. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2012 by J. Kates. All rights reserved.

English Russian (Original)

from resurrection to sunday
we cross off dates on the calendar
waiting for salvation

it comes in an appearance of mountain air
in the gas chamber of a city

silvery ants
drag stones up to the summit
rub against steel sides

tracks left on the neck from a tight collar

under quilted clouds

© Aigerim Tazhi. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2012 by J. Kates. All rights reserved.

Берег уводит к солнцу

от воскресения до воскресенья 
ставим крестики календарные 
ждем спасения

оно приходит в виде воздуха горного 
в газовой камере города

серебристые муравьи 
тащат к вершине камни
трутся стальными боками 

след на шее от тесного ворота 

под ватными облаками

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