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The Crane

By Juan Carlos Flores
Translated from Spanish by Kristin Dykstra

Aguardiente comes cheap, meat comes dear (somewhat drunk he tap dances over the wet cobblestones, scoring importance from the conjectured case of fractured bone).

“Young man, you have to stay thin, in top physical shape, in case the great opportunity presents itself, well, good fortune knocks just once at the door of a house.”

“Young man, you have to stay thin, in top physical shape, in case the great opportunity presents itself.”

“Young man, you have to stay thin.”

“Young man, you have to stay standing, on at least one foot.”

Aguardiente comes cheap, meat comes dear (somewhat drunk he tap dances over the wet cobblestones, scoring importance from the conjectured case of fractured bone).

© Juan Carlos Flores. By arrangement with the author. Translation © 2011 by Kristin Dykstra. All rights reserved.

English Spanish (Original)

Aguardiente comes cheap, meat comes dear (somewhat drunk he tap dances over the wet cobblestones, scoring importance from the conjectured case of fractured bone).

“Young man, you have to stay thin, in top physical shape, in case the great opportunity presents itself, well, good fortune knocks just once at the door of a house.”

“Young man, you have to stay thin, in top physical shape, in case the great opportunity presents itself.”

“Young man, you have to stay thin.”

“Young man, you have to stay standing, on at least one foot.”

Aguardiente comes cheap, meat comes dear (somewhat drunk he tap dances over the wet cobblestones, scoring importance from the conjectured case of fractured bone).

La Grulla

El aguardiente es barato, la carne es cara, (algo borracho baila tap encima de los adoquines mojados, restándole importancia al hecho conjetural de una fractura de huesos).

“Joven, hay que mantenerse delgado, en plena forma física, por si se presenta la gran ocasión, pues la fortuna, toca solamente una vez a la puerta de casa”.

“Joven, hay que mantenerse delgado, en plena forma física, por si se presenta la gran ocasión”.

“Joven, hay que mantenerse delgado”.

“Joven, hay que mantenerse, en un pie”.

El aguardiente es barato, la carne es cara, (algo borracho baila tap encima de los adoquines mojados, restándole importancia al hecho conjetural de una fractura de huesos).

© Juan Carlos Flores.

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