Wang Ping was born in Shanghai and grew up on a small island in the East China Sea. After three years of farming in a mountain village, she attended Beijing University. In 1985 she left China to study in the US, earning her PhD from New York University.
Her works include the short story collections American Visa (1994) and The Last Communist Virgin (2007); the novel Foreign Devil (1996); the poetry collections Of Flesh & Spirit (1998), The Magic Whip (2003), and Ten Thousand Waves: Poems by Wang Ping (2014); the cultural study Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China (2000); and the traditional Chinese folk tale Emperor Dragon (2006). Ping edited and cotranslated the anthology New Generation: Poetry from China Today (1999), and her writing has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. She has received awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York Foundation for the Arts, the New York State Council for the Arts, and the Minnesota State Arts Board. She is a professor of English at Macalester College.