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Jordi Guillumet


Jordi Guillumet

A member of the movement that revitalized the photographic scene in Spain in the 1980s, Jordi Guillumet participated in the drive group of the Festival Primavera Fotogràfica in Barcelona. He studied industrial design, which combined with the practice of the scenery, and subsequently graduated in photography from the Facultat de Belles Arts of the Universitat de Barcelona.

Since 1995 he has collaborated with the photographer Mònica Roselló on various projects. This collaboration includes L’Armari de l’arquitecte, presented in Rencontres photographiques d’Arles in 1996, which builds the image of a city from the personal objects contributed by twenty architects; Objecte d’Observació (1998), where the role of the spectator, who is noted by film actors, is inverted; Tabula rasa (2000), a reflection on the mechanisms of memory from a phosphorescent device that temporarily retains the light; and TEN VISIONS. Reading Between Streets (Art Institute of Chicago, 2004), on  the importance of the use of public space as means for communication. Currently, they are working on various projects around architecture, objects, and geometry.

Guillumet’s work has had numerous national and international exhibitions and forms part of collections in museusms such as the Birmingham Museum of Art (USA), Centre Pompidou (Paris), Maison Europeénne de la Photographie (Paris), Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid), MNAC (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona), IVAM (Valencia), and the Colección Alvarez-Bravo (Mexico City), among others.