Ernesto Pérez Zúñiga (1971) grew up in Granada, but was born in Madrid, where he currently lives.
He is the author of the novels Santo Diablo (Kailas, 2004), El segundo círculo (Algaida, 2007), and El juego del mono (Alianza editorial, 2011), as well a book of short stories called Las botas de siete leguas y otras maneras de morir (Suma de Letras, 2002). An award-winning poet, he has published several books of poetry, among them Ella cena de día (2000), Calles para un pez luna (Visor, 2002), for which he received the Young Artist's Prize from the Community of Madrid, and Cuadernos de hábito oscuro (Candaya, 2007) His work has been widely anthologized, including most recently in Pequeñas Resistencias 5 (Páginas de Espuma, 2010).