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The covers of the six books featured in the Watchlist in a 2x3 grid on a sand-colored background:...
A black and white Bruegel engraving portraying several figures inside a chaotic room filled with...
"The Alchemist" by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1926. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Public domain.
A tile graphic of the twelve books featured in the list
The covers of the nine books featured in the list on a peach-colored background: Reservoir Bitches,...
The covers of the six books featured in the Watchlist on a yellow background
The covers of the fifteen books featured in the list on a yellow background
A close-up of red and pink square sequins
Photo by Fredrik Solli Wandem on Unsplash
Red ants crawling over gray rocks
Photo by Greg Guadagnoli on Unsplash
A close-up of brown window blinds
Photo by Meg on Unsplash
A two-by-six grid of the covers of the six books in the Watchlist: Reinbou, A Whale Is a Country,...
The covers of the six books featured in the Watchlist: The Murderer's Mother, Forgottenness, The...
The covers of the five books featured in the Watchlist: Standing Heavy, Antologaia, A Cha Chaan...
Clouds drift above a thick forest
Photo by Chris Ford on Flickr
Photos of National Book Award semifinalists Sophie Hughes and Fernanda Melchor
The twelve books featured in the list, in three rows of five
Estada Feminicida: An image of a poster protesting the murders of women in Mexico.
Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Emiliano Zapata on horseback, scene from the Mexican Revolution
"Emiliano Zapata on horseback, scene from the Mexican Revolution," José Guadalupe Posada (Mexican, 1851–1913), ca. 1911. Public domain. Gift of Jean Charlot, 1930.
The covers of the books featured in the list
The covers of the books featured in the list
An old, sepia toned photograph of a young girl
Photo by Robin Myers
The covers of the books featured in the Watchlist
Sculpture of Coyolxauhqui
July 2022 Poetry Collection Feature
Tarot cards from the Rider Waite Tarot deck
Photo by Viva Luna Studios on Unsplash
The covers of the books featured in the Watchlist: The Blunder, Carnality, Of Saints and Miracles,...
Dusty piano
Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash
Score of Anold Schoenberg's Transfigured Night
whitewashed exterior of santo crist crhuch in veracruz mexico
© Alejandro Borbolla. Used under Creative Commons license.
The book covers of Animals in Our Days, Brisbane, Flowers of Lhasa, Radio Siga, Linea Nigra, and...
The book covers of At the Edge of the Woods, When Women Kill, People from Bloomington, Let Us Believe...