Jews ask for signs, Greeks for wisdom,
but I say: Go crazy.
Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe?
The light of the world has been palmed.
You’re blind?
Rejoice in your blindness.
You’re deaf?
Rejoice in your deafness.
The blind have been chosen to see it all,
and the deaf to hear what’s inaudible.
Yes, go crazy.
Because all the eyes have been veiled,
and we see only what we don’t see.
Because all the ears have been sealed,
and we hear only what we don’t.
You want miracles?
Go crazy.
Go crazy.
Because it’s a matter of grasping the Ungraspable
and our hands break,
a matter of touching Truth
and reason burns.
Go crazy.
Translation of “Epístola.” Copyright the estate of Horacio Castillo. Translation copyright 2011 by Samuel Gray. All rights reserved