Ilana Zeffren was born in 1972, in the small town of Rehovot, Israel, and grew up in the even smaller town of Ashkelon. In 2005 she Published “Pink Story,” a graphic novel telling the story of the gay and lesbian community in Israel through the events of her own story.
Since then she has published comic strips and stories in newspapers, magazines, and literature anthologies and has participated in international and Israeli comics group exhibitions. Between 2006 and 2013, she wrote and drew “Rishumon,” a personal column in comics, in City Mouse, a local entertainment magazine. A collection of the columns was published as a book in 2014. These days she is doing a weekly caricature starring her cats, Rafi and Spaghetti, in Haaretz weekend magazine, published as a book in 2015. She is also the author of a comics blog on the Haaretz website. She currently lives in Tel Aviv with a beautiful girlfriend and with Rafi (Spaghetti moved to cat heaven recently, at the age of 17.5).