Charlotte Coombe is an award–winning British literary translator working from French and Spanish into English. Shortlisted for the Queen Sofia Spanish Institute Translation prize 2023, winner of the Oran Robert Perry Burke Award 2022, and shortlisted for the Valle Inclán Translation Prize 2019.
Her published translations include The Seaweed Revolution by Vincent Doumeizel, December Breeze by Marvel Moreno, Fish Soup by Margarita García Robayo, Khomeini, Sade and Me by Abnousse Shalmani, The President’s Room by Ricardo Romero, The Imagined Land by Eduardo Berti, and Holiday Heart by Margarita García Robayo. Her translations have been published in journals such as The Southern Review, Modern Poetry in Translation, Latin American Literature Today, Words Without Borders, and World Literature Today. She is the co–founder of Translators Aloud, a YouTube channel shining the spotlight on literary translators reading from their work.