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Graphic Literature

Tetsu of the Yamanote Line

By Osamu Tezuka
Translated from Japanese by Camellia Nieh
This story is an excerpt from one of the most most popular manga series of all time, Black Jack.
Tetsu (singing): The hills of Suruga smell of tea… Inspector: Well, if it isn’t Yamanote’s Tetsu…
Tetsu: Whoa… ‘morning, inspector!
Inspector: I see you’re off to work.
Tetsu: You’re wrong there, sir! Not now, not me! Inspector: But you’re about to start, eh?
Note: The notoriously crowded Yamanote Line runs in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise through many of Tokyo's major districts.
Inspector: Listen here, Tetsu. Don’t expect me to go easy just ‘cause you’re getting old and might not rake it in like before.
Tetsu: Oh, please, sir…
Inspector: Those fingers of yours were…the lightest the Yamanote Line ever saw. Or have you lost your touch?
People in crowd: Yeesh! … That fellow’s wicked! Tetsu: Just 2000 yen?
Tetsu: Sir! You dropped your wallet.
Man: Uh, thanks!
Tetsu: (in crowd): with the recession, it’s hard to read people.
Announcer: Platform 8, departing for Shinjuku, Ikebukuro….No pushing, please. no pushing.
Announcer: Everyone, please move inside! Everyone press in!
Announcer: Kanda Station
Person: Let me off!
Tetsu: Darn, just three thou… fifty in this one! Tetsu: One more pass!
Inspector: Tetsu! What are you up to? Just got off and already getting back on?
Tetsu: Oops. Er, haha…what’re you doing here, Inspector?
Inspector: Wiseguy. I found these wallets in the trash can in the bathroom.
Tetsu: So what, sir?
Inspector: They haven’t been totally emptied. There’s about 1000 yen left in each one.
Tetsu: What’re you talking about?
Inspector: That’s your M.O.!
Inspector: Come with me.
Tetsu: You can’t arrest me without any paperwork! Inspector: Wait! You won’t get away!
Tetsu: But you don’t even have a warrant!
Inspector: $#@%!
Tetsu: So long, sir!
Tetsu: Now then…
Tetsu: ‘Scuse me!
Tetsu: Hmm…At least 500,000! That fellow’s got a bundle. That nervous look in his eye…he’s carrying money…The perfect challenge!... Judging by his looks, he’s either a bookie or a gangster.
Tetsu: By hook or by crook, the money’s mine…This is a job for Yamanote’s Tetsu!... If I nail him I’ll call it a day.
Tetsu: A tough customer! He’s got his guard up.
Tetsu: Gotta nail him before he reaches the ticket gate. Hmph. didn’t get a chance on the train.
Inspector: That’s right, Yamanote’s Tetsu in back in action…Today’s the day I finally catch him red-handed. He’s somewhere on the Yamanote Line. Inspector: The gig’s up, Tetsu!
Inspector: You take me lightly, do you?...Fine. You’ll never use your fingers again.
Tetsu: I did it!
Man: Heya, pops!
Tetsu: Yes…?
Man: What’s in your pocket?
Man 2: Let’s have a look.
Tetsu: Uh, it’s none of your business…
Tetsu: Ung!
Man: Bro!
Man: Yo, Sanko!...Didn’t even notice your pocket was picked, didja? Nitwit!
Man: Got somethin’ to say for yourself, pops?
Man: Thought you could rip off the blue whips, pops? Big mistake!
Man: Right this way.
Tetsu: P-please, have mercy! I don’t know what came over me…
Man: Really? I saw your moves, you’re a brazen old fox.
Inspector: No need to take him back to HQ.
Tetsu: M-m…mercy!
Man: We can take care of this right here….See that nobody disturbs us, Sanko!
Man: Hold still!
Man: Don’t worry, we won’t kill ya.
Tetsu: Gaah!
Security guard: Uhh…an awful lot of folks pass through here…
Inspector: A short old guy with a mustache!
Inspector: This is the station. I can smell it!
(Tetsu): AAAARGH!
(Tetsu): HRGFF!
(Man): Okay…now the other hand!
Tetsu: “Moan”
Man: That’ll teach ya!
Tetsu: Urr…ach
Tetsu: Urr…
Inspector: Hm?
Inspector: Tetsu! What happened?
Inspector: Your thumbs and index fingers?! Who did it?
Tetsu: Ahh…
Tetsu: Inspector, I…I just couldn’t resist…!
Inspector: Wait there, I’ll call an ambulance.
Inspector: Over here!
(Man): Good old Tetsu…
Man: His pickpocketing career’s over for good.
Inspector: Can’t they save his fingers? They were just sliced off.
Man: Even if they could
Man: That doesn’t mean he’d have full use of them…. As for anything that requires extra nimble finger work, forget it! …I suppose it’s for the best, don’t you?
Inspector: You’re right…
Inspector: But I promised I’d catch him red-handed one day.
Man: You sorta did!
Inspector: Well, yes… It sticks, in my craw, just the same.
Man: You’re not feeling sorry for ol’ Tetsu, are you? You, the famous ogre of section three?
Inspector: Sorry? No way!
Inspector: I was just thinking about his surgery.
Inspector: Mind if I call in a doctor I know?
Inspector: Hello, Dr. Black Jack?... It’s Inspector Tomobiki of the Metropolitan Police Force. You operated on my son once.
Inspector: Still working on the sly?...I got a request.
Inspector: Oh? well, if you don’t come,…I’ll file a report on you with public security..
Dr. Black Jack: Just the sight of your face makes me want to puke, Inspector.
Inspector: Please, go right ahead.
Dr. Black Jack: You want me to operate on some deadbeat and you’ll have me arrested if I refuse?
Inspector: Right. And I mean it. So get to work, or else.
Dr. Black Jack: A dirty cop, aren’t ya.
Inspector: Thanks for the news flash.
Black Jack: What’s the problem?
Inspector: Four severed digits!
Inspector: I want you to reattach them.
Black Jack: The doctors here can handle that.
Inspector: Not just sew them on…I want them perfectly restored to their former level.
Inspector: He’s a pickpocket. I want his fingers to be agile enough he’ll be able to ‘work’ again.
Black Jack: You think I’m some magician?...You I toss a handkerchief over them and chant hocus pocus?
Inspector: I know it won’t be easy. But if anyone can do it, you can.
Black Jack: And I bet…there’s no fee?
Inspector: No! No fee!...But I’ll ignore the fact that you have no license.
Black Jack: How many more times must I engage in philanthropy?
Inspector: With a scalpel in your hands you’re a genius. If you lost your fingers, what’d you live for?...The old man is a thief, but he lives by his fingers like you. You can sympathize, can’t ya?
Black Jack: Show me.
Doctor: They were severed three hours ago.
Black Jack: Ah…no fear of necrosis then.
Inspector: Well?
Black Jack: Normally I’d charge one million per finger. A 4 million yen loss!
Black Jack: Loupe!
Inspector: Tetsu…I hope it works.
Inspector: How did it go? Will they be as good as new?
Black Jack: Don’t be ridiculous, Inspector.
Black Jack: You’re talking about fingers that were cut off. I don’t have a time machine.
Tetsu: Heh heh! All healed up.
Tetsu: I don’t know how to thank you, Doctor.
Inspector: Can you move them like before?
Tetsu: Sure! See?
Inspector: Hmph. Are you sure there’s no damage?
Tetsu: They work just fine! … I can use chopsticks and I can wipe my bum, too!
Inspector: Listen here…I want your fingers to be nimble enough to pick pockets the way you used to!
Inspector: If all your fingers can do now is wipe your own damn butt, I don’t want to see them.
Inspector: Get lost!!
Tetsu: Yessir. Thanks for everything!
Inspector: I thought we had an agreement, Doctor.
Inspector: I had faith in your abilities! I entrusted Tetsu to your care cuz
Inspector: Now I find out you’ve done a half-assed job. You leave me no choice!
Inspector: Huh?!
Inspector: Where’s my badge?
Inspector: That dirty scum!
Inspector: Tetsu! You filthy…!
Tetsu: Voila! Your badge! Your pen! And your wallet!
Inspector: Y-you’re under arrest!
Tetsu: Aw, I was just showin’ ya!
Tetsu: See? My fingers are good as new!
Inspector: Oh…
Inspector: Well, that’s just… great!
Tetsu: Whaddya say we tip a few back and toast the great Doctor Black Jack, Inspector?
Inspector: One of these days, I’ll nab you.
Tetsu: Eh, none of that tonight, sir.

Japanese books, including manga like this one, are meant to be read from right to left. So the front cover is actually the back cover, and vice-versa. To read this excerpt, start in the top right-hand corner. Read the panels, and the bubbles in the panels, from right to left, then drop down to the next row and repeat. It may make you dizzy at first, but forcing your brain to do things backwards makes you smarter in the long run. We swear.—Editors

© 2009 by Tezuka Productions and Vertical, Inc.


Japanese books, including manga like this one, are meant to be read from right to left. So the front cover is actually the back cover, and vice-versa. To read this excerpt, start in the top right-hand corner. Read the panels, and the bubbles in the panels, from right to left, then drop down to the next row and repeat. It may make you dizzy at first, but forcing your brain to do things backwards makes you smarter in the long run. We swear.—Editors

© 2009 by Tezuka Productions and Vertical, Inc.

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