Zsófia Bán (1957) was born in Rio de Janeiro and grew up in Brazil and Hungary. A writer, essayist, literary and art critic, she made her fiction debut in 2007 with Esti iskola (Night School: A Reader for Adults), followed by Amikor még csak az állatok éltek (When There Were Only Animals, 2012).
Her short stories have been widely anthologized, including in Best European Fiction 2012, and translated into a number of languages, with several appearing in English translation in Asymptote, The Kenyon Review, and World Literature Today, among others. Her two books of fiction have both come out in German (Abendschule, 2012, Als nur die Tiere lebten, 2014, Suhrkamp, both translated by Terézia Mora). Night School is forthcoming from Open Letter Books in Jim Tucker’s English translation. Bán lives and works in Budapest, where she is an associate professor in the department of American studies at Eötvös Loránd University.