Zhu Hong is a visiting professor in the department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literature at Boston University, teaching courses on post-Mao writing. Her translations include Su Xiaokang’s Memoir of Misfortune (Knopf, 2000); Liu Binyan’s A Higher Kind of Loyalty (Pantheon, 1989); The Chinese Western (Ballantine, 1988; reissued in the U.K.
under the title Spring of Bitter Waters); and The Serenity of Whiteness (Ballantine, 1991). She is the editor and cotranslator of The Stubborn Porridge (Braziller, 1994), Festival of Flowers (Nanjing, 1995), and A Frolic in the Snow (Liaoning Educational Press, 2002). Her translations of short stories from the Chinese have appeared in The Antioch Review, The Chicago Review, The Paris Review, and The Iowa Review.