Lars Nordström was born in 1954 in Stockholm, Sweden, where he lived until 1974. He was educated at the University of Stockholm and Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, where he received a BA in English in 1981. He then moved to Uppsala University, Sweden, where he received his Ph.D. in American literature in 1989.
He is the recipient of several Fulbright grants, a Scandinavian Foundation grant for academic research in the USA, and several Swedish Institute grants and awards, as well as a Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center fellowship. In 1988 he settled with his wife and two sons on a small vineyard in Beavercreek, Oregon. For many years Lars Nordström worked as a technical translator in the high tech industry, but now divides his time between growing wine grapes and writing and translating literature, as well as giving talks on various Swedish-American subjects. Lars Nordström has published prose, poetry, translations, interviews, articles, and scholarly materials in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Canada, Japan and the United States in magazines such as Studia Neophilologica, Horisont, the new renaissance, Translation, The Greenfield Review, Calapooya Literary Review, Hubbub, ICE-FLOE, Northwest Review, PRISM International, International Poetry Review, The Chariton Review, and WRIT.