Carlos Eduardo de Magalhães was born in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in 1967.
He is the author of seven books, includng the novels Pitanga (Grua, 2008), Dora (Ateli' Editorial, 2005), O primeiro inimigo (The First Enemy, Ateli' Editorial, 2005), Os jacarés (The alligators, Cosac & Naify, 2001), and Mera Fotografia (Just a picture, Rocco, 1998), among others. He is also a co-writer of the screenplay Corpos Celestes, which won the 1st Edition of the Contest of Cinema in the State of Paraná, and the author of short stories and articles published in anthologies and magazines. In 2005 he spent a month as a guest writer at Ledig House, Columbia County, New York, at the invitation of the Art Omi international Center. Since 2007 he has been an editor of a new Brazilian publishing house, Grua.