Michele McKay Aynesworth, who lived in Buenos Aires for over twenty years, has specialized in the translation of Argentine authors.
Her translation of Roberto Arlt's novel Mad Toy- along with her bilingual poem "And If I Accuse Roberto Arlt?" / "Y si se delata a Roberto Arlt?"- was published in 2002 by Duke University Press and was subsequently honored as a finalist for the Texas Institute of Letters's Soeurette-Diehl Fraser Translation Award. Among her translation credits are several short stories by Argentine humorist Fernando Sorrentino and a number of poems by Nicaraguan poet Horacio Peña. Other publications include Blue on Rye, a collection of her poetry, and Beacons 10, an anthology of literary translations which she edited for the American Translators Association. She is currently editor for Source, the newsletter of the ATA's Literary Division.